Yurii Kohut
PhD Legal Sciences, (Certified Specialist on :National Security Ensuring for Ukraine"); an engineer (higher polytechnic education); higher military education: Military Academy graduate, Military Academy Postgraduate Course graduate, officer's rank – colonel;
An expert in the field of integrated risk management of enterprises and critical infrastructure facilities (more than 30 years of professional experience),
Lead Auditor Information Security Management Systems (ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certificate);
The Director General and the Founder (and Owner) of "SIDCON" International Consulting Company".
  • Odessa National Academy for Telecommunication (Odessa, State University for Intellectual Technologies and Communications), before 2001 - Electrotechnical Institute of Communication named after A. S. Popov in Odessa; (Radio Faculty);
  • Military Academy (Faculty of Senior Engineering staff);
  • Postgraduate Course of the Military Academy (Specialty: "Economic Security of the State");
  • University for International Business (Specialty: "Economics and Organization of Foreign Economic Relations")

Professional Experience:
  • Service in the Armed Forces;
  • The exploitation of space and radio communication complexes of strategic communication for the government;
  • The Head of the Information Support Unit for the critical infrastructure facility;
  • Administration of the President of Ukraine:
Staff of the National Security and Defense Council, Senior Specialist:
_____- development of the Concept of National Security of the state;
_____- development of instruments (concepts, programs, etc.) in various areas of national security (energy, political, information);
_____- interaction with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, ministries and departments of Ukraine in the field of ensuring the implementation of the policy of the President of Ukraine on national security issues;
Department of Internal Policy, Chief Consultant:
_____- work in the Department of Analysis of Internal Policy of the state;
_____- interaction with the Verkhovna Rada, the Cabinet of Ministers, the leadership of regional administrations;
_____- participation in the development of concepts and programs in the field of domestic policy of the country;
_____- participation in the implementation of joint programs for individual ministries and departments.

Security Policy Developments have been used at the special Courses of leading universities in Ukraine, and implemented in individual ministries, banks, industrial enterprises of the state Energy Complex, and multinational companies.

The received education and many years of experience in the field of building security systems, risk management, fraud prevention, and other components of business security made it possible to conduct a number of educational events (lecture courses, practical seminars) for large international companies, industry security specialists, banks, corporations, leading higher educational institutions of Ukrainian and international. Particularly, at the international security conference "How to protect yourself and your business" of the London Security Institute (The Security Institute), Great Britain - 2007-2019, the author presented reports and scientific developments on the security of critical infrastructure facilities, enterprises of the energy complex, which were used by students in practical activities. All years of cooperation with the London Security Institute were devoted to the development of security technologies for banks and large international companies.

Fundamental knowledge and years of practical experience of experts allow the "Consulting Company "Sidcon" to keep a leading position on the market for providing consulting services in the field of developing practical recommendations and building technological, physical and cybersecurity systems for private businesses, as well as critical infrastructure facilities in the energy sector of the global economy.

The author's training and work experience in information and analytical support (both at the state level and at the level of private business) are applied not only for domestic, but also for foreign structures:
  • Management of the Representative Office of an international company in Ukraine (3 years).
  • Participation in events for foreign investors (participation in conferences of the Adam Smith Institute / Adam Smith Conferences), business (international specialized conferences for banks and financial institutions, security services of large companies and enterprises), trade missions of foreign states in Ukraine, Chambers of Commerce, etc. Implementation of a number of practical tasks in the areas of minimizing risks, countering fraud, issues of entering foreign markets, building security systems.
  • Constant exchange of experience and best practices in building security systems, analytical research, international investigations with world-class specialized specialists. Implementation of a number of practical tasks in the areas of risk minimization, fraud prevention, issues of entering foreign markets, building security systems.

As a result of three years of experience as Director of the "Bureau for Combating Commercial Crimes and Corruption of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Ukraine", the author organized and conducted a number of business events, many practical consultations on fraud prevention both in domestic and foreign markets, safe and effective work in foreign markets, checking business reputations of counterparties, and other information and analytical tasks.

The practical experience of the author has allowed him for 20 years to effectively manage the "Sidcon" Consulting Company, the leader in the Ukrainian market of providing security services to businesses, government agencies (enterprises, banks) with developments and practical recommendations in implementing large-scale projects on:
  • conducting a comprehensive cyber audit in banks, enterprises (companies) (audit of the management system and information security and cyber protection in banks / companies) for compliance with the requirements of international standards for the protection and management of information security (cyber protection), including the requirements of a series of ISO standards, taking into account the specifics of the activities of companies (enterprises, institutions, organizations);
  • conducting audit of critical information infrastructure;
  • development and construction of the cybersecurity systems for the state, private companies, and banks;
  • audit (external assessment) of corruption risks of large state-owned enterprises and banks;
  • development of a Corporate Security Standard for enterprises (companies, banks) based on International Security Standards, in particular, the ISO series of standards, which proposes a set of protective measures in accordance with the risks of enterprises and taking into account the specifics of their interaction with counterparties, government agencies, etc.;
  • development of the Security Concept and/or Security Policy of enterprises (companies, banks);
  • development of Plans to ensure the continuous operation of banks (enterprises, companies) and actions in case of emergency situations (BCP – Business Continuity Plan);
  • conducting an audit of the economic security of companies, which is an integral part of the Integrated Security System of their functioning;
  • development of a comprehensive system of economic security for companies.

The team of the "Sidcon" Consulting Company experts has more than 30 years of real experience in the field of analytical support of investors in Ukraine, risk minimization, building complex security systems; many years of experience of cooperating with foreign companies, holdings, state corporations, private businesses (banks, insurance companies, industrial enterprises, agricultural holdings, etc. market sectors), higher education institutions.

The author has access to a huge number of world sources of objective information, and his own author's unique developments of technologies for processing such information and conducting research.

Active membership in International specialized security associations (WAD - World Association of Detectives) allows company to connect foreign independent sources of information and conduct international research and investigations.

The author has many years of experience in participating in investment conferences, as well as conducting training courses in the field of risk minimization, integrated security and analytical support for international corporations and companies.

The results of scientific research have been reflected in more than 100 articles published in domestic and international scientific journals and collections of scientific papers. Over the past 10 years, more than 20 books, practical manuals, and textbooks on corporate security have been edited and published. All publications are the quintessence of the author's scientific training and professional experience and include practical developments and recommendations on building security systems, minimizing risks, and providing information and analytical support to businesses.

The books of the Sidcon author's team are of practical benefit and interest for specialists in the protection of critical infrastructure facilities, business representatives who deal with current and strategic issues of business development and security, for scientists, analysts, government officials, and also serve educational purposes.

Interview to Yurii Kohut on Information Security Issues and Others:
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